14 Differences Between British and American English in Costa Rica

English is often referred to as a global language, but it doesn’t sound or look the same everywhere it is spoken. While British and American English share a common origin, the two have diverged in various ways over the centuries. These differences are seen not only in pronunciation, but also...

20 formas de ampliar tu vocabulario en Costa Rica

Expandir tu vocabulario en inglés es clave para mejorar tu capacidad de comunicarte, entender y expresar ideas. Si estás en Costa Rica y deseas mejorar tu nivel de inglés, hay muchas estrategias que puedes utilizar para enriquecer tu vocabulario, sin importar si eres un principiante o un estudiante avanzado. A...

20 Ways to Expand your Vocabulary in Costa Rica

Expanding your English vocabulary can significantly improve your ability to communicate, comprehend, and express ideas in the language. Whether you are a beginner learning the basics or an advanced learner seeking fluency, a robust vocabulary is essential to mastering English. In this guide, we will explore a variety of strategies...

15 Modismos comunes en inglés y sus significados para usar en Costa Rica

Los modismos o frases coloquiales son una parte esencial del dominio de cualquier idioma, ya que añaden color y profundidad a la comunicación. El inglés, en particular, está lleno de modismos: frases que, aunque familiares para los hablantes nativos, a menudo pueden confundir a los que no son nativos. Comprender...

15 Common English Idioms and Their Meanings to Use in Costa Rica

Idioms are an essential part of mastering any language, adding color and depth to communication. English, in particular, is rich in idioms—phrases that, while familiar to native speakers, can often leave non-native speakers puzzled. Understanding these idiomatic expressions is crucial for anyone looking to achieve fluency and naturalness in English....

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